Untitled Design-29

When is the last time you asked your employees if they are happy at work?  It can be all too easy to assume that everything is fine, especially if your employees are not complaining or outwardly showing signs of dissatisfation.  In fact, it may seem safer not to ask – to stay in the dark.  But, “no news is good news” doesn’t always work out that way and no news can lead to employee disengagement over time.  Little things can build up or a situation might escalate quickly.  Either scenario might prompt your employees to look elsewhere or leave them vulnerable to other opportunities that may arise.

The key is regular and open communication – that you initiate.  It is not enough to say that you have an open door, you must open the door.  Schedule a one-on-one, whether it be a lunch, a coffee break or just an informal sit down.  Or don’t schedule at all, but rather create impromptu opportunities to talk openly and candidly with your employees.  Ask directly.  Are you happy here?  How could you be happier?  Do you need anything to help you do your job?  What are your challenges/frustrations right now?  How could I make things easier for you?

By asking regularly, your employees will know that you care.  And, sometimes, just knowing that you care and are willing to listen helps.  But, you will also be creating a safe place that will encourage your employees to share future concerns with you – before they escalate.  By keeping your finger on the pulse of what is going on, and simply asking, you may have the opportunity for a simple fix – to solve a problem, before it becomes a problem.

Of course there are more formal ways to gauge employee satisfaction, and there is a time and place for all of those strategies.  But asking is certainly a good first step.

If Pfautz Consulting Group, LLC can help you create an employee satisfaction strategy, please contact us.

Submitted by Deborah M. McCormick